Thursday, October 6, 2011

stuff i can't keep alone

look .things change when we went our broken ways .
you'll see me with other girls and so on but er nvm .
tell me who's request for us to be separated for the first and second time ?did i ask ?
i would never ask for us to break apart .

but YOU did ! 

and now you blaming me ?kan ?
you tak tahan tengok default picture FB i .
you tak tahan tengok i wall-to-wall with others .
apa lagi yang you tak tahan ?
you nak i faham diri you ,bahkan you sendiri pun keeping it yourself and tak nak bagitahu what the problem is .
cuba you bagitahu sometimes .baru orang boleh understand .

you tahu tak sakitnya hati bila you mintak break just like that .because you dah jumpa someone lagi comel + handsome + pandai + kaya and etc as you dreamt of .well keep in mind .NOT EVERYONE IS PERFECT .
time i tengah trial tu you mintak break .perrghh !and for that Sejarah aku fail .thanks :)

truth is that i can't forget about you .everytime i online i mesti pergi tengok wall you .
err .damn !i miss that old time when we use to be together  :,(