Thursday, August 25, 2011

so stressed out .yesterday you kata nak pergi berbuka dekat hotel dengan family .go laa i tak halang and tak marah moody whatsoever kan .then you dah pergi you marah-marah i pasal gambar you dekat sana .i try lah nak calm you down and pujuk .boleh pulak you sent '**** useless ! ken ?' orang dari dulu dah cakap orang tak suka bila you cakap macam tu kan .mengada nak cakap jugak .

pernah ke you fikirkan perasaan orang dekat sini ?pernah ke ?!
you mesti tanya the same question kan .
jawapan ialah YES i pernah .bukan pernah je .
every single day orang memikirkan about you perasaan you .

Friday, August 5, 2011


to heal the hole

who the fuck is he !

bodyguard that calls you and all ?
tak pyah nk call sngatt lha .adoii !

weyh ,take note lha yg dia dh brpnya .
nk takecare of her sngat xpayh ,nk jge dia .buad kt skola je lha  
yg kau nk call dia aftr school buad ap sial ?kau ad hati at dia ,ckap straight forward lha .

Thursday, August 4, 2011

the never forget

the never ending story of this two love birds 

little sister and me

adik ! u've grown to the next stage of life :) 
be good and excellent with school so ...
..that u could be the person u dreamt of .

part of memory that will always be remembered 
till the end of world